Accurately measure Body Composition and calculate personal body and diet goals.

Securely record & Analyse Medical Blood Test Results
to identify and treat sub-optimal values.

Develop and label Custom Nutritional Formulas quickly and easily in clinical practice.

Calculate the equivalent active portion of various ingredients to help with planning doses.

Calculate equivalent quantity values between various units (by weight or volume).

A database of key Lab Test Analytes (for review when selecting pathology tests)

A database of key Natural Medicine Ingredients (for review when prescribing)

Calculate percentage values easily (for diets, ingredients, prices, etc.)

A detailed guide covering everything a practitioner might need to know to start Nutritional Compounding in Clinical Practice.

An practical demonstration to help practitioners apply the concepts and techniques described in Compounding 101 within their clinical practice.

An exploration of the key mechanisms behind food reactions, to assist with better clinical identification and treatment.

An exploration of current stool microbiome testing technologies, and the clinical insights they can each provide for changing patient outcomes.

An in-depth overview of this often poorly understood, yet biologically important nutrient, to assist confident and optimised prescribing.

Understand the different quantities that various nutrients are dosed in clinically.

Reference chart for better understanding of Nutrient and Toxic Elements.
Private one-on-one consultations with Warren, for Healthcare Practitioners seeking support with:
– Expanding their practice and understanding of Functional Medicine
– Patient Case Review / Brainstorming
– Lab Test Interpretation
– Nutritional Medicine Prescription Possibilities
– Nutritional Compounding Formula Development & Techniques
Book a Professional Mentoring Consultation
To receive support in practice.