Achieving Personal Potential

Quantity Calculators


Use the calculator below for quick mathematical conversions between various of units of quantity (either by Weight or Volume).
(e.g. for working with prescription doses, stock management, container/scoop sizes, general understanding, etc.)

1. Select your desired Units from the dropdown.
2. Enter a quantity value in the Amount field
3. Watch conversion to equivalent values in all other major units displayed on the right.

The Units are listed smallest to largest.
You can hover over each unit symbol to see it’s full name.

Quick Reference:
1,000 mcg = 1 mg = 0.001 g
100,000 mcg = 100 mg = 0.100 g
1,000,000 mcg = 1,000 mg = 1.0 g

4. Bookmark this page (for handy reference when needed).

The ‘Weight of The Material’
(e.g. For Measuring Quantities of Dry Powder Ingredients)

Volume = The ‘Space Occupied’
(e.g. For Measuring Quantities of Liquid, or the Capacity of Containers & Scoops)



Relative Quantities

Qty Comparison Scale

Click on the image above to get a closer comparison of how various quantities of powder appear.
– Presented on a magnitude scale, from the very small micrograms (mcg), to the much larger grams (g).
– To assist with better understanding and dosing estimations.

Metric Prefixes

Base 10 Multiplication Factors Prefix Symbol Short Scale Name
(used in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, South Africa)
1015 1,000,000,000,000,000 peta P (Quadrillion)
1012 1,000,000,000,000 tera T (Trillion)
109 1,000,000,000 giga G (Billion)
106 1,000,000 mega M (Million)
103 1,000 kilo k (Thousand)
102 100 hecto h (Hundred)
10 10 deka da (Ten)
1 1 One
10-1 0.1 deci d (tenth)
10-2 0.01 centi c (hundredth)
10-3 0.001 milli m (thousandth)
10-6 0.000 001 micro μ (millionth)
10-9 0.000 000 001 nano n (billionth)
10-12 0.000 000 000 001 pico p (trillionth)


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